Suicide (Destruction of the most precious gift – Life)

Suicide – the dastardliest act ever PERIOD Now, please do not get me wrong! By stating the above, I am in no way turning a blind eye toward the enormous pressures and extreme vicissitudes people might have faced before taking such an extreme step as suicide. But they are taking away the most precious gift… Continue reading Suicide (Destruction of the most precious gift – Life)

Few Simple, Doable Things in the Mosque/Masjid in Today’s World

The Mosque/Masjid is the house of Allah, the Almighty. One should never forget this. And the signs of Judgement Day are clearly becoming visible by the day. People who are not entitled to the upkeep of Mosques/Masjids are doing it! Let us strive to remember Allah at all times and especially so in his house.… Continue reading Few Simple, Doable Things in the Mosque/Masjid in Today’s World

Nipping Man-Made Monsters In Their Buds – The Best Thing (Ever)!

Man-made monsters The world is full of several examples like plastic, alcohol, cigarettes, etc. These were created or discovered by human beings for one thing in the first place. But they turned out to be mega-monsters, to say the least! Now, all of the above-mentioned things are not useless. But as the Holy Quran… Continue reading Nipping Man-Made Monsters In Their Buds – The Best Thing (Ever)!

AI-generated flash fiction stories about Muslims in the modern world

With all the recent hype about artificial intelligence (AI), I thought why not try it out, just to wet the feet? I just typed in the prompts and voila, the stories were generated! The source was What follows below are the results – three flash fiction stories about Muslims in today’s modern world. Please… Continue reading AI-generated flash fiction stories about Muslims in the modern world

Life – Enough Of Your Silly Games With Me!

Life – you lively vixen who is sometimes joyful and sometimes sad! Why do you sometimes change colors faster than a chameleon? And are sometimes so slow it seems ages! All I want is to live in the moment and slowly disappear into the ages. Like everyone else who has existed on this earth Starting… Continue reading Life – Enough Of Your Silly Games With Me!

Is there something like a ‘cure-it-all’?

The elusive ‘cure-it-all’ Apropos an article by Madeline Holcombe on CNN where she talks about five easy steps to get healthier. In this article, she asks at the beginning of the article if an undiscovered ingredient could cure all our health concerns. And she says it would be nice if such an ingredient were present!… Continue reading Is there something like a ‘cure-it-all’?

How do I find peace (rest) of my heart? Easy

Finding peace (rest) of heart How does one really rest one’s heart or find peace of heart? Almighty ALLAH says in the Holy Quran, “Verily in the remembrance of ALLAH do hearts find rest.” So, one should always remember the Almighty sitting, standing, and lying down. One should begin everything with His holy name. The… Continue reading How do I find peace (rest) of my heart? Easy

Altruism – A Dying Quality in Our Lives

Biggest question Honestly, this is one question which probably arises in anyone’s mind especially, the one whose chips are down. Can we still expect Altruism from humanity in general? Why is it becoming a ‘Dodo’? Why is Altruism on the decline? But is it really so? Don’t rich people have problems? Are they totally satisfied… Continue reading Altruism – A Dying Quality in Our Lives

Preventing Rapes, The Most Heinous Crimes Against Women – High Time!Delving into the Fascinating Life of Late Ramoji RaoInnovation in Healthcare – Right time but how to achieve it?The End of Ramadan: A New BeginningLaylat-ul-Qadr (The night of power): Its immense benefitsMake Ramadan 1445 your best (ever) by Allah’s grace!How to start a good habit?How to get out of (your) personal rut?Human attitude – ‘Immutable’ or can it evolve for the better?Why do people commit suicide destroying the most precious gift – Life?