Bi-directional Movement of Indian Academia-Industry Personnel – Need of the Hour

No job is permanent today Let’s face it – no job is permanent in today’s world! And especially so, what with the crises like the recent COVID-19? Professionals working in academia-industry should shed their ‘silo’ vision. Academia-industry interactions should become the buzzword. And act as if they are two sides of the same coin PERIOD… Continue reading Bi-directional Movement of Indian Academia-Industry Personnel – Need of the Hour

Passion Life Skills Academy – Excellent Location for learning Spoken English

Why learn a language in the first place? A ‘Passion’ to learn is very important for learning anything. And the same applies to learning English as well. We can talk with new people in their language once we learn it. Learning any language is always fun. But learning English is not only fun. It is… Continue reading Passion Life Skills Academy – Excellent Location for learning Spoken English

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