Ramadan, What Do You Need To Stay With Us Forever?

Ramadan, do you have to leave so soon? It’s as if you just came yesterday! And you are already on the verge of leaving us! Can’t you stay with us forever? ———————————————————– I know it’s a tall order, but not impossible for the One who is watching You, me, and all of us In this… Continue reading Ramadan, What Do You Need To Stay With Us Forever?

Relationships – What Has Become of Them – How to Regain Them?

Relationships are fast becoming outdated. There is no meaning left to them as artificiality has crept into them too just like everything else in this life and world! If we do not act fast, we will probably help make this extinct.

Why Does Every Wo/man Love Sex So Much?

Tell me, oh wo/man, why do you love sex so much? Is it because you find bliss in it? Or is it the rest you obtain in it so much? After all, what is there in it? _____________________________________________________ After all, it is just the intertwining of two bodies Who yearn for each other. And the… Continue reading Why Does Every Wo/man Love Sex So Much?

Wo/man is such an (ungrateful) animal? Change required immediately!

Wo/man is such an (ungrateful) animal! S/he cannot bear either too much of water Or too little of it! Yes, I am talking about floods and droughts! What has come over us? We build buildings with impunity And pride ourselves in needless opulence When we cannot conserve even basic water! Just look at Bengaluru Or… Continue reading Wo/man is such an (ungrateful) animal? Change required immediately!

Life – Enough Of Your Silly Games With Me!

Life – you lively vixen who is sometimes joyful and sometimes sad! Why do you sometimes change colors faster than a chameleon? And are sometimes so slow it seems ages! All I want is to live in the moment and slowly disappear into the ages. Like everyone else who has existed on this earth Starting… Continue reading Life – Enough Of Your Silly Games With Me!

Happiness – the ever-deceiving damsel (one-sided love)?

Happiness – where art thou? Everyone chases you but you are lost somewhere! Oh, how everyone wishes they are happy But instead, most of them tend to become tipsy! Why does everyone run after you? When they know fully well that you are nearly unachievable! Except for those who are self-content, Content with what they… Continue reading Happiness – the ever-deceiving damsel (one-sided love)?

The blessed last ten nights of Ramadan are fast going away – Seek Allah’s blessings, mercy, and his infinite forgiveness now!Preventing Rapes, The Most Heinous Crimes Against Women – High Time!Delving into the Fascinating Life of Late Ramoji RaoInnovation in Healthcare – Right time but how to achieve it?The End of Ramadan: A New BeginningLaylat-ul-Qadr (The night of power): Its immense benefitsMake Ramadan 1445 your best (ever) by Allah’s grace!How to start a good habit?How to get out of (your) personal rut?Human attitude – ‘Immutable’ or can it evolve for the better?