Islam – The best and easiest religion to follow

A Bedouin once asked the Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him), “O Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him), if I do the five farz (pillars) of Islam – the declaration of faith (shahada), prayer (salah), alms-giving (zakat), fasting (sawm) and pilgrimage (hajj) and I won’t do anything more or less, will you guarantee Jannah to… Continue reading Islam – The best and easiest religion to follow

How to Remain Free From Any Addictions Or Bad Habits?

Who in this universe does not have any addictions or bad habits? Virtually everyone except the Almighty. And His Prophets, angels, and any others whom He chooses. The greatest thing for a writer or for that matter any other professional is acceptance of his/her work. And honest feedback about it. Besides, a request for work… Continue reading How to Remain Free From Any Addictions Or Bad Habits?

AI-generated flash fiction stories about Muslims in the modern world

With all the recent hype about artificial intelligence (AI), I thought why not try it out, just to wet the feet? I just typed in the prompts and voila, the stories were generated! The source was What follows below are the results – three flash fiction stories about Muslims in today’s modern world. Please… Continue reading AI-generated flash fiction stories about Muslims in the modern world

If you want to really do something good in your life, do it now!

Hey guys, this is your blog’s host, Dr. Jameel again in front of you. Trying to present his thoughts on topics closest to his heart as usual. This time, I am starting a series that will be updated constantly. The series is about doing something good in your life. Come on, you only have one… Continue reading If you want to really do something good in your life, do it now!

Is there something like a ‘cure-it-all’?

The elusive ‘cure-it-all’ Apropos an article by Madeline Holcombe on CNN where she talks about five easy steps to get healthier. In this article, she asks at the beginning of the article if an undiscovered ingredient could cure all our health concerns. And she says it would be nice if such an ingredient were present!… Continue reading Is there something like a ‘cure-it-all’?

Salaam – The Greatest Ice-breaker (Ever) PERIOD


Salaam/Peace One of the greatest gifts from ALLAH Subahanahu Ta’aala is ‘Salaam’. A Hadith [saying of Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him)] states – “You shall not enter Paradise until you believe, and you have not believed until you love one another. Shall I tell you of something you can do to make you love… Continue reading Salaam – The Greatest Ice-breaker (Ever) PERIOD

Islamic Prayer, Supplication, and Mathematics – A Simple Connection

Lay Mathematics Approach to Islam Let me tell you at the outset itself that I am neither very good at mathematics nor do I claim to know everything about Islam. With the former, it has been at best a ‘one-way’ love affair. Although, I have to admit a few branches of this ‘dizzy’ damsel (algebra,… Continue reading Islamic Prayer, Supplication, and Mathematics – A Simple Connection

A New Version of Anger Management 101 – You game?

You are trying to become normal. And doing everything you can to prevent yourself from getting angry. But alas, you are failing again and again. And again. And your anger management is getting reduced to zilch! So, what is the deal? How come you are unsuccessful despite your best efforts? Let me show you a… Continue reading A New Version of Anger Management 101 – You game?

The blessed last ten nights of Ramadan are fast going away – Seek Allah’s blessings, mercy, and his infinite forgiveness now!Preventing Rapes, The Most Heinous Crimes Against Women – High Time!Delving into the Fascinating Life of Late Ramoji RaoInnovation in Healthcare – Right time but how to achieve it?The End of Ramadan: A New BeginningLaylat-ul-Qadr (The night of power): Its immense benefitsMake Ramadan 1445 your best (ever) by Allah’s grace!How to start a good habit?How to get out of (your) personal rut?Human attitude – ‘Immutable’ or can it evolve for the better?