If you want to really do something good in your life, do it now!

If you want to……………….Series

Hey guys, this is your blog’s host, Dr. Jameel again in front of you. Trying to present his thoughts on topics closest to his heart as usual. This time, I am starting a series that will be updated constantly. The series is about doing something good in your life. Come on, you only have one life, right? So, if you want to do something good, then do it right away. Do not wait for the right time or anything else!

1. If you want to write regularly, start a blog

If you want to write regularly, start a blog. You already know that a blog is a shortened version of a weblog. Then, you will be forced to write. At least once a month. Although there are different categories of topics on which one can write. One thing dangling on one’s head is the category of months. There are only 12 months in a year. And hence, one is forced to write at least once in a month. So, no more excuses for ‘writer’s block’. Or any other blocks! Just WRITE.

2. Lose weight

If you want to lose weight, utilize the times when your wife and kids are away from you. Say, for example, the recently concluded (at least in India) summer holidays. Or the yet-to-be-concluded summer holidays (in other countries). Wives take the saying, ‘The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach’ very literally! And stuff their husbands with carbohydrates (chock-full of calories). And other foods.

During the summer holidays (or any holidays), ladies usually visit the homes of their parents or siblings. Which are usually away from the places you live in. So, you are left with your old (sometimes ailing) parent/s. Now, here is a wonderful opportunity to lose weight. You have to either cook food by yourself. Or get it from outside. Either way, you don’t eat as much as you used to eat. When your wife and children were present along with you. Which is actually good and does wonders to your health!

3. Save your eyes/eyesight

If you want to save your eyes, do not forget to turn on the ‘Eye comfort’ icon on your Android phone. I am not using an iPhone. So I don’t know if it has this icon. Maybe it has. Also, you can play around with the screen color modes too. In the ‘Display & Brightness section of your phone’s settings.

You can go in for softer colors or totally eliminate colors. And go in for the good ole ‘black & white’ setting. Trust me, even with this ‘black & setting’ on, if you shoot any pictures/videos, they will still be shot in color. Once you revert to the color setting, you can see your pictures and videos in color. I have personally tried this. And the experience was really great!

4. If you want to live a long and wealthy life, be good to your relatives

If you want to live a long and wealthy life, be good to your relatives. And do not cut off the ties of kinship with them. Ever PERIOD Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated from the Prophet (peace be upon him): “He who wishes to have his earnings grow and his term of life or his lifespan is prolonged; he should keep ties with his kin.” (Bukhari).

5. Do you want your kids to look after you when you get old?

If you want your kid/s to look after you in your old age, make sure that you look after your old parents well. It is simple karma. You reap what you sow. So, please be good to your parents always. Especially in their old age. They would have sacrificed their entire lives for you. It is your bounden duty to look after them well in the twilight zones of their lives. Check out this beautiful article for Islam’s views on looking after one’s parents in their old age.

So, that is it for now. Till the next update or article, Chao/ciao!

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