Why is Entrepreneurship Education Important For Students?

The need of the hour – Entrepreneurship! People talk about Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and whatnot as the future where jobs lie. However, I think the most important subject educators should teach students from a young age is Entrepreneurship. Rather, schools should allow students to start and run businesses once they reach… Continue reading Why is Entrepreneurship Education Important For Students?

Preventing Rapes, The Most Heinous Crimes Against Women – High Time!

Another day, another incident, unfortunately!!! No, not just one but several. When I opened the website, rediff.com today morning, the first thing I saw was this. I was beginning to wonder whether we are becoming the ‘rape capital’ of the world, nay the universe! No, seriously! That Botswana has the highest rate of rape in… Continue reading Preventing Rapes, The Most Heinous Crimes Against Women – High Time!

Importance of The Phone In Your Daily Life

Your Phone = Your alter ego! Forget ‘alter ego’, I often joke with my friends that their smartphone is their second wife. And rightly so as the phone itself is probably responsible for decreased sexual activity! Just kidding but honestly, there are some divergent medical/research opinions regarding the effects of cellphones and non-ionizing radiation on… Continue reading Importance of The Phone In Your Daily Life

Delving into the Fascinating Life of Late Ramoji Rao

A small update regarding this article – I started writing this after Ramoji Rao’s demise but am publishing it now. This made me think with all the hype about AI and whatnot, I am still lagging in writing! What about you people out there? Don’t you think it is true? Entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurs possessing… Continue reading Delving into the Fascinating Life of Late Ramoji Rao

Hilariously Interesting Things Observed After The 2024 Indian Elections Results

Indian elections are the greatest but I am not a big fan of politics! Indian elections have finally ended. At the outset, let me state openly that I have never been and probably will never be a big fan of politics. However, as a dutiful Indian citizen, writer, and human being trying to improve, I… Continue reading Hilariously Interesting Things Observed After The 2024 Indian Elections Results

Innovation in Healthcare – Right time but how to achieve it?

Innovation in healthcare is here to stay but are we really achieving it? Yes, some great innovations are happening in healthcare. But as a Homeopath, I will be happy. When a cure takes the form mentioned in the following sentence. ‘The highest ideal of cure’, Hahnemann adds, ‘is rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of the… Continue reading Innovation in Healthcare – Right time but how to achieve it?

Kadapa – A new beginning in a new city

Migration from Anantapur to Kadapa after about three years, four months Hi everyone, I moved to Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh, India from Anantapur on the 27th of April, 2024, i.e. last month. So, for now it is curtains down for Passion Life Skills Academy in Antantapur at least for now. I had stayed in Kadapa for… Continue reading Kadapa – A new beginning in a new city

The End of Ramadan: A New Beginning

Stop being a ‘Ramadani’ Muslim, instead become a ‘Rabbani’! Do not stop doing good deeds even after Ramadan. Don’t be just a ‘Ramadani’ Muslim, instead become a Rabbani! Please keep up the good work even after it. We should remain good Muslims our entire lives, not just during the blessed month! One’s entire life is… Continue reading The End of Ramadan: A New Beginning

How to Make the Most of Laylat ul Qadr (the Night of Power)?

Laylat ul Qadr – The Night of Power Muslims can attain piety by utilizing some immense opportunities. Exclusive only to them! One such opportunity is Laylat ul Qadr or Shab e Qadr. Please utilize its immense benefits by spending the night in the worship. And remembrance of Allah Azwajal. Besides even probably Laylat ul Qadr,… Continue reading How to Make the Most of Laylat ul Qadr (the Night of Power)?

Preventing Rapes, The Most Heinous Crimes Against Women – High Time!Delving into the Fascinating Life of Late Ramoji RaoInnovation in Healthcare – Right time but how to achieve it?The End of Ramadan: A New BeginningLaylat-ul-Qadr (The night of power): Its immense benefitsMake Ramadan 1445 your best (ever) by Allah’s grace!How to start a good habit?How to get out of (your) personal rut?Human attitude – ‘Immutable’ or can it evolve for the better?Why do people commit suicide destroying the most precious gift – Life?