Wo/man is such an (ungrateful) animal!
S/he cannot bear either too much of water
Or too little of it!
Yes, I am talking about floods and droughts!
What has come over us?
We build buildings with impunity
And pride ourselves in needless opulence
When we cannot conserve even basic water!
Just look at Bengaluru
Or any other major city
Not just in India
But the entire world!
It is a case of either too much
Or too little!
Whether it be money, water,
Or for that matter anything else!
Why do we wait until things get to a boil?
Don’t we have at least that much common sense that
Water is the most essential and precious resource
Without which we or our future generations cannot survive!
Land sharks have become ubiquitous
They don’t bother whether the land is on a grave-yard
Or a lake or a public property or even private land
All that matters is any land that can be encroached upon and build!
You ungrateful animals, keep on doing this
Until one day even water too will be measured like gold when sold
Not in liters but in milliliters
And who knows probably even in micro liters!
Put a stop to your greediness, you ungrateful animals
And that includes even yours truly!
For I too have been created weak
Like the rest of you!
This Ramadan, let us make a fresh beginning
And a vow to limit all our needs!
Be grateful to the Almighty
For even the air we breathe for free!
Just imagine if the Almighty decides to
Impose a tax on the air we breathe
And collect the toll from every person
Who gains an entry and exits this world?
Trust me, it is not difficult for Him!
For He is the One who gave us life
And He is the One who has the power to take it away
So do not mess with your fellow-beings and anyone/anything else!
Act now before it is too late
And buckle up tight
And start doing something good
However small it might be in your lives!
It can be as simple as
Not wasting enormous water just to wash these
Useless bodies of yours and mine!
Useless because one day you and I all will be dust!
Instead, make yourself invaluable
By doing good deeds and helping others
And wiping the tears of your fellow beings
By cheering them up at least a bit!
And no, if you are unable to do good deeds,
Can’t blame you because humanity is nearly dead in all of us!
At least don’t commit any sin
Or do any wrong to your fellow beings!
I know saying is easier said than done
But at least you can give it a try!
Just be aware that the One up above there
Is watching every deed of yours and monitoring your every thought!
So, do no evil, see no evil, and listen to no evil!
Start doing things at least in a small way
And build your stature in goodness
And say goodbye forever to evil!