Sex, Pornography, and Masturbation – Interesting?

Everyone loves Sex Of course, right? Who doesn’t love sex? Probably everyone in this universe loves it. But sex like everything else in this life is best if indulged in moderation and in the correct manner. And respecting all the boundaries! What are boundaries, you might ask me? Well, there lies the crux of the… Continue reading Sex, Pornography, and Masturbation – Interesting?

Dealing with Elders with Love & Affection

We all have to deal with our elders at some stage. Elders are the bedrock of any society. One can tell a society’s state by looking at how it treats its elders and children. You will be shocked at the results from anywhere in the world. When dealing with both elders and children alike, ‘Handle… Continue reading Dealing with Elders with Love & Affection

House Owners & their mentalities – Why do they behave this way?

House Owner vs. Tenant In this world, every person is either a house owner or a tenant. Mind you, there’s a difference between a house and a home but I won’t delve into it here. Some people own just one house called their home. Some own more than one house. And these days, owning real… Continue reading House Owners & their mentalities – Why do they behave this way?

Altruism – A Dying Quality in Our Lives

Biggest question Honestly, this is one question which probably arises in anyone’s mind especially, the one whose chips are down. Can we still expect Altruism from humanity in general? Why is it becoming a ‘Dodo’? Why is Altruism on the decline? But is it really so? Don’t rich people have problems? Are they totally satisfied… Continue reading Altruism – A Dying Quality in Our Lives

The blessed last ten nights of Ramadan are fast going away – Seek Allah’s blessings, mercy, and his infinite forgiveness now!Preventing Rapes, The Most Heinous Crimes Against Women – High Time!Delving into the Fascinating Life of Late Ramoji RaoInnovation in Healthcare – Right time but how to achieve it?The End of Ramadan: A New BeginningLaylat-ul-Qadr (The night of power): Its immense benefitsMake Ramadan 1445 your best (ever) by Allah’s grace!How to start a good habit?How to get out of (your) personal rut?Human attitude – ‘Immutable’ or can it evolve for the better?