The phone has become inevitable in our daily lives – we all agree on this fact. Alas, there is an etiquette about using the phone just as with everything else. In this article, we see how we can talk on our phones to our advantage rather than the etiquette associated with it. Okay, are you talking on the phone right now? Gotcha!
Tell me, how many times are people talking all alone to themselves? They communicate with others via their headphones, earphones, Bluetooth, Air Pods, and whatnot! It could be on the roads while driving their bikes or even in their homes.
For convenience, let us stick to people talking in their homes, okay? Now, not everyone owns a bungalow. Most people today live in small houses. And many of the city-dwellers live in cramped spaces. You can imagine how much space one has!
In today’s age, does work from home or office matter?
I am trying to say is that this has blurred to such an extent. It does not matter whether one works from home or the company office. Plus, it does not matter what job one does. It might be sales, marketing, research, analysis, etc. But talking on the phone is a must.
And when one talks, it is essential that the talking matters. Yes, talking in person can never replace a phone call. But today, so much conversation occurs on the phone that it has become an irreplaceable form of communication. Hence, we must give our best while talking on the phone.
Everyone has a unique style for everything
And this includes talking on the phone. You see, some people might gesture a lot. Some people might not express themselves fully in front of others. Or some might feel shy. There are many reasons to talk on the phone in private. It might be a deal that can be sealed. Or it might be a patient who needs medical advice. It might be an urgent consultation regarding something. It can be anything.
Regardless of the cause of the talk, it is best if this talking is done without anyone else seeing it far away from prying eyes or ears. It might be your closest family members. Or your roommates. Or your partner.
So, when you talk on the phone next time, do so privately, okay?
And seal the best of the deals. Do the best with your medical consultation. Or any other consultation or talk whatsoever. Happy talking in private.