Tell me, oh wo/man, why do you love sex so much?
Is it because you find bliss in it?
Or is it the rest you obtain in it so much?
After all, what is there in it?
After all, it is just the intertwining of two bodies
Who yearn for each other.
And the exchange of bodily fluids
Leading sometimes to a being another!
Now, the Holy Quran has wisely put it forward regarding husband and wife
“They are clothing for you and you are clothing for them.”
So, do they understand the importance of marriage in life?
And the accompanying pure and unadulterated sex in store for them.
Loot the beauty of sex every day and night if you want
For he is yours and she is yours
No one else should come in between you both even if they want
Sex is all about overcoming all boundaries.
Be it the twin mounds or the ramrod shaft
Or the strong muscles you can use for hours
Making pleasure a great craft
And maximizing it to the limit in all the encounters!
The endeavor is to keep the spark
Until the end making sure no one else enters
The sacred zone between you and your monarch
Both in your life and your beds.
So, enjoy with your spouse
As much as you can
For you have just one life
To enjoy as much as you can.
And keep your roving eyes
Limited to your dear one
For then you won’t lose your senses
And become the Satan’s pawn!
I know it is not easy to practice
What I am saying here.
Life has truly become an endless abyss
Where everyone is disaster’s favorite Nafir!
Heed my words
And enjoy life to the brim.
But within the boundaries of your homes
And do not let your seed become Satan’s chim.