I know everyone wants their life to be really easy
I mean easy as in easy-peasy!
But can life ever be easy?
Never, because it is very sassy!
Why does everyone want their life to be easy?
So that they can soak in pleasure!
But the path to easy
Is always filled with the total annihilation of their leisure!
Easy or difficult, life has to be lived
To the fullest every second.
But how does one lead
A good life that can be mentioned?
It is by living every day
One at a time.
Without ever losing your way
Or falling into slime!
For, it is easy to fall prey
To the umpteen satanic temptations!
And going astray
Ultimately drowning in frustrations.
Do whatever you want in your life
But never break anyone’s heart
Not even yours coz you just have one life
And you will always remain smart!
Smart enough to realize that this life
Is merely enjoyment of delusion!
Neither your children nor your spouse
Can help you save from the ultimate destruction
Of your body and everything else.
Can you come back into this world again?
No, never for it is just the ultimate case
Of live it, forget it, and losing everything in the bargain.
Thus, life is the biggest bargain one has.
But how many of you are ready to utilize this?
Most of us just let life pass
Without ever giving any thought to the ultimate bliss
That one will achieve by living a life well-lived
And wiping the tears of at least one fellow being!
Realize quickly this life is short-lived
And kick aside daydreaming.
Instead, do something useful
Every second, minute, and day
And end your life with a peaceful
Smile ultimately putting even Satan at bay!