Suicide (Destruction of the most precious gift – Life)

Suicide – the dastardliest act ever PERIOD Now, please do not get me wrong! By stating the above, I am in no way turning a blind eye toward the enormous pressures and extreme vicissitudes people might have faced before taking such an extreme step as suicide. But they are taking away the most precious gift… Continue reading Suicide (Destruction of the most precious gift – Life)

How to save money in your home?

The best treasure = A good wife Do not get me wrong, but a good and content wife is the greatest treasure a man can have! Tell me whether you agree to this or not. Hence, marriage is considered the completion of half of the Deen (Islam/Islamic faith) in Islam. A good wife is supposed… Continue reading How to save money in your home?

Few Simple, Doable Things in the Mosque/Masjid in Today’s World

The Mosque/Masjid is the house of Allah, the Almighty. One should never forget this. And the signs of Judgement Day are clearly becoming visible by the day. People who are not entitled to the upkeep of Mosques/Masjids are doing it! Let us strive to remember Allah at all times and especially so in his house.… Continue reading Few Simple, Doable Things in the Mosque/Masjid in Today’s World

Simple healthy food hacks to whet your appetite and save time

In today’s modern world where everyone is running short of time, I present to you few simple food hacks. Who does not love food? And who does not like to get things done in a simple manner in the shortest time possible? Everyone, right? So, sit back and enjoy few simple foods. Hope you love… Continue reading Simple healthy food hacks to whet your appetite and save time

Powerful Islamic Duas To Please ALLAH & Gain His Blessings

Bismillah – In the name of ALLAH A Muslim whenever s/he intends to do a task, s/he begins it with a Dua. The best way for a Muslim is to begin everything with Bismillah, i.e. in the name of ALLAH. If s/he intends to do something, s/he should say “In sha ALLAH” meaning “ALLAH willing”.… Continue reading Powerful Islamic Duas To Please ALLAH & Gain His Blessings

Islam – The best and easiest religion to follow

A Bedouin once asked the Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him), “O Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him), if I do the five farz (pillars) of Islam – the declaration of faith (shahada), prayer (salah), alms-giving (zakat), fasting (sawm) and pilgrimage (hajj) and I won’t do anything more or less, will you guarantee Jannah to… Continue reading Islam – The best and easiest religion to follow

The blessed last ten nights of Ramadan are fast going away – Seek Allah’s blessings, mercy, and his infinite forgiveness now!Preventing Rapes, The Most Heinous Crimes Against Women – High Time!Delving into the Fascinating Life of Late Ramoji RaoInnovation in Healthcare – Right time but how to achieve it?The End of Ramadan: A New BeginningLaylat-ul-Qadr (The night of power): Its immense benefitsMake Ramadan 1445 your best (ever) by Allah’s grace!How to start a good habit?How to get out of (your) personal rut?Human attitude – ‘Immutable’ or can it evolve for the better?