The Almighty created angels along with human beings, Satan, and Jinn. Unlike humans, angels do not have free will. They perform whatever duties the Almighty assigns them. It seems there is an angel who brings down even a single raindrop! Angels have been created from light. And our mortal eyes can never see them. And therefore, this discussion does not pertain to them at all!
Then which angels am I talking about here?
I am talking about ordinary mortals like you and me. Who eats, drinks, goes to sleep, and does all other mundane and engaging daily activities? Yet, they still deserve to be called angels! Why? As they are a notch above the majority. Because in today’s world, money has become nearly everything!
Therefore, whoever can help someone in their need for money is indeed an angel for the person in need. And I think, except the Almighty, no one can say they do not need money. Because however rich one might be, s/he might require it at one stage of life. And life is not the same all the time. Sometimes, one might be at the pinnacle of financial domination. And the next second, s/he might be at a nadir! So, money is required in the form of a hand loan or anything else you might call it.
But tell me honestly, would you be willing to lend someone money?
Yes, it all comes down to us. What will one do if someone asks for money? Now, it all depends on who is asking, right? Yes, some people are perennial askers for a loan. Yes, they might be in dire need. But one thing we all have been taught since childhood is to keep our spending in check, a tight check at that! I have said previously, ‘Jitni chaadar, utney paanv pasaaro!’ Meaning ‘one has to spread one’s feet according to the blanket’.
But alas! Today, let the whole world, nay the universe go to dogs. One doesn’t care. What matters is to have the latest gadgets/vehicles/whatnot before anyone else! Even if it involves borrowing money from others and throwing caution to the wind.
Not just monetary help, just psychological support too counts!
Just picture this. Your parent/s or your other loved ones suddenly got severely sick. You need support to take them downstairs (if you live on the first floor and don’t have a lift!). You need someone to help you carry them even if the sick person is walking. One can become an angel even in such a situation.
And Almighty forbid, if your loved one needs to be hospitalized, you will need someone to care for the patient. It becomes difficult for just one person to handle all this. So, a kind support from another person will help. These are just a few examples of how one can become an angel. Remember that even smiling towards your brother is a charity according to a Hadith [saying of Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him)]. So, never underestimate even a small deed of yours. Help as much as you can. If you can’t help, at least do not do any harm. Neither with your hands nor your tongue!